About The SC

Welcome to the Swampscott Conservancy! Together we strive to both protect and admire, to enjoy and advocate for the natural wonder of our beloved, coastal community. Join us in discovering the diverse flora and fauna, and the tranquil, picturesque scenery in which the extensive and sometimes quirky catalog of our town’s species lives and thrives.

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This form can be used to join by snail mail. Please click on the Make a Donation tab if you would like to use PayPal. Download Membership form

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View Events On Our Facebook Page Click the button below for our current list and to register for any upcoming event DOWNLOAD NEWSLETTER The Swampscott Conservancy has an Ongoing Program of Hiking and Other Outdoor Events

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Swampscott Conservancy

Welcome to the Swampscott Conservancy! We’re so happy you’ve come to visit us. Please enjoy your experience on this site, and we hope to see you at our next meeting or event!

The Conservancy’s next meeting will be held remotely on Wednesday, January 22 at 6:30 pm. Click here to see meeting agenda.

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View informative videos on our YouTube channel.

Conservancy News

The Swampscott Conservancy’s letter to the Select Board regarding the April 3, 2024 Hawthorne Proposal is available here:

Swampscott Conservancy’s Photo of the Month

The Swampscott Conservancy  looking for high quality photos that capture Swampscott’s natural beauty – scenery, plants, and animals.  Submit your photo as an email attachment to  swampscottconservancy@gmail.com

Include your name, the location and the date where the photo was taken in Swampscott.  If your photo is chosen as a “photo of the month”, it will be featured  here  as well as the Swampscott Conservancy’s Facebook and Instagram sites.  Also, please be aware that the Conservancy may use your photo, with credit, in other contexts, such as in a calendar or notecards. 

A young rabbit hides during the day near Puritan Road. Photo taken by Jack Lawler.

Nature in the Neighborhood – November 2024

The High Line

  • the need for pesticides because native plants are already adapted to local conditions and therefore are more resistant to pest problems than non-native species;
  • the usage of water because native plants are already adapted to the local climate and can generally survive with just natural rainfall;
  • the need for fertilizers because native plants can often grow in soils that are low in nutrients or that would otherwise be unsuitable for non-native;
  • the labor needed because native plants require much less maintenance than their non-native counterparts, especially once established; and
  • the costs associated with pesticides, water usage, fertilizers, and maintenance — in other words saves money.

Toni Bandrowicz, President

The Swampscott Conservancy


Donations to the Swampscott Conservancy are an invaluable resource that must be tapped in the fulfilling of the crucial and altruistic goals that are laid out in our organization’s mission statement, and which are embodied by our dedicated members and our ongoing activities. All monetary contributions will be applied in the direct interest of furthering the natural wonder of our community; whether a member or not, your assistance is greatly appreciated and will be perceived in one way or another by any and all who immerse themselves in Swampscott’s natural, open spaces. Thank you for supporting The Conservancy and empowering your local community!